Guoting and Yuying passed their defenses

Drs. Tsuji and Tsuda gave seminars

Our paper was published in Plant Biotechnol J
Our students graduated

Ken obtained CAS President’s International Fellowship Initiative

Huimin obtained Shanghai Super Postdoctoral grant
Yuying and Qiong obtained the poster award in the Annual Retreat. Yuying and Qiong got 2nd and 3rid prize, respectively.

Our paper was published in PNAS
Our paper has been published in Plant Methods
Pingyu and Yuli obtained PhD degree

Dr. Shinya Kuroda, The Univ. of Tokyo, gave a talk

Pingyu passed PhD defense

The collaborative paper with Dr. Chen has been published in Mol. Plant
Dr. Keiji Nishida, Kobe Univ, gave a talk

Dr. Masahiko Furutani, FAFU, gave a talk

Dr. Yusuke Saijo, NAIST, gave a talk

Dr. Sophien Kamoun visited our center

Qiong obtained the poster award in PSC annual retreat

We held Special Progress and Farewell Party.

We had the farewell party for Dang san.

Thank you for all of the lab members for their hard work for the past 7 months. I really enjoyed our Special Progress..

Fangnan is staying in our lab as an intership student

The 5th anniversary ceremony of PSC

Yuying got a poster prize in the annual retreat.

We had the last Progress Report in 2016.

Nagano-san's paper has been accepted in Plant Cell
We held Special Progress Report for the achievement of the past 6 months. After that, we had dinner outside PSC.

Our review has been published in Curr Genomic.
Happy Hour in May
We got 4 prizes for cake, food, singing and the best group. The heart stickers indicate the votes for the foods provided by us.

Welcome party for Yanjun

Dr. Jianmin Zhou, gave a talk

Welcome party for Dang, Will and Dan

Qiong was selected as a student of merit and Will performed a dance at 2016 New Year Gala.

Will and Dan joined our lab
Dang joined our lab
Happy New Year 新年快乐

[Dec/24/2015]After the last lab meeting in 2015, we had dinner outside PSC.

M2 students have finished Official Presentation in PSC. (Review discussion after the presentation)

Our collaborative research with Dr. GL Wang was selected in Tenth Anniversary PLOS Pathogens Collection
Those two students stay in my lab. We hope they will have enjoyable 6 days.

Our collaborative research with Dr. Kojima was selected as a cover photo of JBC.
Our work was published in Plant Signal Behav
Our collaborative research with Dr. GL Wang was published in PLoS Pathog
Our review was published in Front. Plant Sci
Our collaborative research with Dr. Kojima was published in JBC
Our collaborative research with Dr. Kroj and Dr. Terauchi was published in EMBO J
Our work was published in JBC